Wrap Buddy

Donate wraps, spread joy!

Join our mission

At Smokin Cheeze, we believe that a simple meal can bring people together, nourish souls, and make a difference. When you subscribe to our donation program, you’re not just treating yourself—you’re giving the gift of a delicious, hand-crafted wrap to someone in need.

How It Works

1. Choose a Subscription

Each plan allows you to donate a set number of wraps every month.

2. We Prepare

We prepare meal vouchers to be hung at our counter.

3. Claim

Vouchers can be claimed via walk-in by people in-need.

Choose Your Wrap Buddy Plans

Starter Buddy


Big Buddy


Super Buddy


Why Wraps?

Our wraps are not only tasty, but they’re also nutritious and easy to enjoy. Every wrap you donate will provide someone with a wholesome and filling meal.

Be a Buddy, Change Lives

As a Wrap Buddy, you’re doing more than just donating food – you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to making the world a little kinder, one wrap at a time.

Join the Wrap Buddies today and start giving back, one wrap at a time!